
    讲师,硕士生导师,武汉大学博士(2021),武汉大学学士(2016)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。截至目前,在Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, National Science Review, Nano Letters等期刊以第一作者及共同第一作者发表SCI论文9篇。




    1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,级联靶向响应纳米系统用于结肠癌淋巴转移的个性化诊疗。主持。

    2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基因/光动力协同诊疗系统用于循环瘤的靶向治疗。参与。



    1. Zou, M. Z.; Liu, W. L.; Gao, F.; Bai, X. F.; Chen, H. S.; Zeng, X.; Zhang, X. Z.*, Artificial Natural Killer Cells for Specific Tumor Inhibition and Renegade Macrophage Re-Education. Advanced Materials 2019, 31 (43), 1904495.

    2. Zou, M. Z. #; Li, Z. H.#; Liu, C. J.; Zhang, X. Z.*, Hybrid Vesicles Based on Autologous Tumor Cell Membrane and Bacterial Outer Membrane to Enhance Innate Immune Response for Personalized Tumor Immunotherapy. Nano Letters 2021, 21 (20),8609-8618.

    3. Zou, M. Z. #; Liu, W. L. #; Chen, H. S.; Bai, X. F.; Gao, F.; Ye, J. J.; Cheng, H.; Zhang, X. Z.*, Advances on nanomaterials for treatment of hypoxic tumor. National Science Review 2021, 8 (2), nwaa160.

    4. Zou, M. Z.; Liu, W. L.; Li, C. X.; Zheng, D. W.; Zeng, J. Y.; Gao, F.; Ye, J. J.; Zhang, X. Z.*, A Multifunctional Biomimetic Nanoplatform for Relieving Hypoxia to Enhance Chemotherapy and Inhibit the PD-1/PD-L1 Axis. Small 2018, 14 (28), 1801120.

    5. Liu, W. L. #; Zou, M. Z. #; Liu, T.; Zeng, J. Y.; Li, X.; Yu, W. Y.; Feng, J.*; Zhang, X. Z.*, Cytomembrane nanovaccines by mimicking tumor cells and antigen presenting cells. Nature Communications. 2019, 10(1), 3199.

    6. Liu, W. L. #; Zou, M. Z. #; Liu, T.; Zeng, J. Y.; Li, X.; Yu, W. Y.; Feng, J.*; Zhang, X. Z.*, Expandable Immunotherapeutic Nanoplatforms Engineered from Cytomembranes of Hybrid Cells Derived from Cancer Cells and Dendritic Cell. Advanced Materials. 2019, 1900499.

    7. Deng, R. H. #; Zou, M. Z. #; Zheng, D.; Peng, S. Y.; Liu, W.L.; Bai, X. F.; Chen, H. S.; Sun, Y.; Zhou, P. H.; Zhang, X. Z.*, Nanoparticles from Cuttlefish Ink Inhibit Tumor Growth by Synergizing Immunotherapy and Photothermal Therapy. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (8), 8618-8629.

    8. Zeng, J. Y. #; Zou, M. Z. #; Zhang, M. K.; Wang, X. S.; Zeng, X.; Cong, H. J.; Zhang, X. Z.*, π-Extended Benzoporphyrin-Based Metal–Organic Framework for Inhibition of Tumor Metastasis. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (5), 4630- 4640.

    9. Liu, W. L. #; Zou, M. Z. #; Qin, S. Y.; Cheng, Y. J.; Ma, Y. H.; Sun, Y. X.; Zhang, X. Z.*, Recent Advances of Cell Membrane-Coated Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (39), 2003559.

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